I just noticed that I haven't posted since August 2! Wow. Time flies I guess. Well. One big difference now is that I am feeling great! This is the part of the pregnancy where I get to enjoy being pregnant. This part doesn't last long though, then I get to the part where I am too big to sleep well or walk or bend down. (already having trouble with that part).
I have to say I don't think I have done a bit of sewing since my last post. Horrible I know. Still hoping the weather will turn cool soon and I will get in a fit to sew. For now I have been busy doing a few other things.
I never did start the Etsy shop. I looked into it for a week or two and then, not long after that, my hubby got a second job and things have been busy. The Etsy shop was just going to be a desperate atempt to make some extra cash and it began to look like it would be way more work than it would profit. Now we have some extra cash and I am putting myself to good use figuring out the best things to do with it after months of letting things slide. His second job is a temporary one that might turn full time in Feb. We are praying it will because it is a good one and in his field. That will be right after our new little arrival too.
Anyway, in sort of related to quilting news, I bought some yarn on a whim the other day to crochet a baby blanket for this one. Unfortunatley, I don't use a pattern and I crocheted a whole skein of yarn that day before realizing that I hadn't bought enough yarn and that the blanket was turning out curved as I was working on it. I don't know if I was adding one too many stitches (are they called stitches? loops?) with each double crochet or what. It has been years since I have made anything crocheted, I don't know what I was thinking! lol
Well, gotta get going and get some laundry sorted. More news later guys!
Saturday Seven 383: Lifestyle & More for Quilters
20 hours ago
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