Ok, like many other things that I try to do and fail at, my other blog was a complete washout. I did ok for a little while, but when I couldn't get any followers I got discouraged, then I finally got one and it was some guy, so I got creeped out and quit writing it. lol
Anyway, it is almost fall so I am getting out the sewing supplies anyway. So I will come back here and write my quilty news. Hopefully more regularly and with more photos than of late.
My first bit of news is about my new venture. I have decided to open an Etsy shop. I am not jumping into it right away however, I will try to get a few products ready to sell first before signing up. I haven't made up my mind what to stock at first, I want to do some small projects, not just because they take less time to plan and create, but I also need to use some of the fabrics in my stash and I think it is easier to sell small quirky gift items than utilitarian quilts. I have known several bloggers who have Etsy shops and I really have been studying other people's shops this week as I consider what to do. My chosen proffession is Graphic Design and there are many things I can create other than hand-sewn items also. I will be considering those options too.
The reason I have never opened this type of shope before is that I am not a salesperson and I don't like trying to convince people to buy something. I have very little faith in my salesmanship abilities. But the plain truth about it is that I need to bring in some extra income. If we have ever needed every extra dime we can get it is now, so I figured I'd better try to do something. I will use the fabrics I have in my stash, which won't get me far, but as for buying supplies, I really won't be able to. This should be interesting!
In other news, we are 17 weeks along and I am over the nausea!!! Yay! Another reason I can finally think and plan things again. I was debilitated with morning sickness all this time! Also, we found out last week that we are expecting a boy! My son (3 1/2) is very excited about that. My daughter (15 months) has no idea what she is in for. lol I also found out that I am doing extremely well weight-wise... extreme nausea will do that for you I guess, I have been eating healthier than I ever have in my life. The baby is doing great and is measuring exactly right for this far along, despite the ultrasound a couple of months ago where he was a week behind.
Well, that is enough for now, I need to get back to my great stash organization that I started this week and which has scraps scattered all over my dining room.
Bye all!
Ready for borders
12 hours ago